We honor our veterans

“This beautiful national cemetery reflects our heartfelt appreciation for and deep pride in those who answered the call to duty with such courage and selflessness,” wrote President Bill Clinton on 9 July 1999 on the occasion of the dedication of the Saratoga National Cemetery We honor our veterans in the Town of Saratoga. The Town of Saratoga has seen a number of battles in the 18th Century including the Turning Point of the American War of Independence. At the close of the 20th Century (1999) we were honored to become the home of the Gerald B.H. Solomon Saratoga National Cemetery which provides a dignified military funeral honors and cemetery to Veterans who have defended our nation. The Department of Veterans Affairs operates the cemetery as part of a system of 135 national cemeteries. All told there is 351.7 acres of land in the Town of Saratoga devoted to the memorialization of those who served this nation.

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