On this day – May 23

On this day in 1779, the hero of Saratoga, Benedict Arnold provides the British General Clinton with intelligence so that he can formulate his plans against Washington’s Continental Army; in 1893, no public or church funeral where held for those with contagious diseases; in 1911, President William Howard Taft presided over the dedication of the New York Public Library (NYPL in 2016, had an exhibit called Alexander Hamilton: Striver, Statesman, Scoundrel which included information about Saratoga and how Hamilton married into one of New York’s most prominent slave-owning families – the Schuylers); and in 1921, Schuylerville budget was $11,420.14 On this day is a chronological timetable of events that occurred on this day in history around the Town of Saratoga. Discover what happened today in local history by following us on Facebook at https://ift.tt/kt1ij3b (Thank you to Deputy Historian Patricia Peck for compiling information for this timetable.) May 23

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