On this day – June 25

On this day in 1759, British General James Wolfe nears Québec with 8,500 men and a fleet of 168 ships captures river pilots to help the fleet navigate the river during the pivotal battle of the French and Indian War; in 1775, General Washington arrives in New York City; General Philip John Schuyler is named to command “New York department” by Congress. he was appointed a Major General of the Continental Army then he planned the Invasion of Canada however his poor health required him to place Richard Montgomery in command of the invasion; in 1862, the 77th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment participated the Seven Days’ Battles, near Richmond, Virginia, when Confederate General Robert E. Lee drove the invading Union Army of the Potomac, commanded by Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan, away from Richmond and into a retreat down the Virginia Peninsula; in 1876, George Armstrong Custer and the 265 men under his command lost their lives including first sergeant DeWitt Winney of Saratoga in the Battle of Little Big Horn, often referred to as Custer’s Last Stand; in 1931, Methodist Episcopal Church hosted a realistic reproduction of the Passion Play with color pictures and dramas lecture by Dr. Harvey Hadlock, who saw this world’s greatest drama three times last summer at Oberammergau, (Oberammergau is a municipality in Bavaria, Germany, the Oberammergau Passion Play was first performed in 1634, according to local legend, the play is performed every ten years because of a vow made by the inhabitants of the village that if God spared them from the effects of the bubonic plague then sweeping the region, they would perform a passion play every ten years,); in 1950, the Korean War began and during the war, there were three residents that were killed in action, Stanley W. Harmor from Saratoga, Julius Lofren from Schuylerville, and James Marlow from Schuylerville, in 2000, a Visitors Center was dedicated at Fort Hardy Park and in 2016, the high school graduated 147 students, presented four posthumous degrees to family members of graduating seniors who served in World War II and Vietnam, as part of Operation Recognition. On this day is a chronological timetable of events that occurred on this day in history around the Town of Saratoga. Discover what happened today in local history by following our twitter account @historysaratoga (Thank you to Deputy Historian Patricia Peck and Town Supervisor Thomas Wood for compiling information for this timetable.) June 25

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