Quick baseball game at Fort Hardy

#Onthisday and #atthistime there was a baseball game at Fort Hardy Park* . On Sunday afternoon probably at 3:30 o’clock the local Kaysees will meet the Saratoga springs athletic club at old Fort Hardy Park in a fast game. The batteries for Saratoga springs will be in James and Farrell and for the locals Richardson and Prediger. J. J. Collins will umpire the game. Local fans are promised a fast and exciting game. * Reported by the Hudson Valley Times – 9 June 1923* The Fort Hardy area is recognized as one of the most important locations in the history of our country. This site was the site of a French and Indian War fort / supply depot. During the Battles of Saratoga, the turning point of the American Revolution, the remains of the Fort was on the front lines during the siege (October 10 – 17) and the location of a skirmish (October 11). On October 17, the British and their allies marched to the Fort and grounded (stacked) their arms and marched into captivity. This was the first time in world history that a complete British force surrendered and it brought international recognition and allies to the United States. * The Fort grounds is truly one of that locations that changed world history. These fort grounds located on the banks of the Hudson River have evolved to serve the educational, cultural and recreational needs of the community. The various roles it held was a driving park (1902) , camp and parade ground for the 10th US Cavalry – Buffalo Soldiers (1912), grand and band stands to watch races and baseball games (1920s), bathing beach (1934), youth center (1990s), a historic pageant (2002) and as a boating launch.* Fort Hardy serves our community in a variety of ways including as a community gathering place, a place of remembrance of our American ideals and way of life, which was secured by the American War of Independence and the Victory at Saratoga.

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